Free Online Bible Studies For Women

Sheila longed to grow closer to God, but she struggled with the concept. She envied her friend, Molly, who described God as her “best friend and closest confidant.” She wanted a vibrant relationship with God like Molly had.

So, she asked her friend how she’d developed that close relationship. “Well,” Molly said after thinking for a moment. “It’s like every other relationship I’ve had. I put work into it – I spend time with God. I talk to Him throughout my day. I read the notes He sends me every day.”

“Wait a second,” Sheila said. “God sends you notes?”

“Yes, that’s what the Bible is,” Molly said. “It’s a whole collection of notes God wrote just for me. Each day, I pull it open and see what He has to say to me.”

Three women using laptops to participate in free bible studies for women

Reading Your Bible Doesn't Have To Be A Chore

If you cringe at the thought of spending time in God’s Word or avoid reading yours for weeks at a time, you’re not alone. Many Christians struggle to make studying the Bible a top priority in their lives.

For most people, it’s not that they don’t want to know what God says. They simply view it as another “chore.” It’s one more task on an already overflowing to-do list, and it feels impossible to make time for it.

But what if you changed your attitude toward studying the Bible? What if, instead of being another action item for you to get done, it became an exciting adventure? What if it was the conversation that you spent all day looking forward to? What if you chose to cherish the words between the leather covers?

Here at Christian Women’s Corner, I felt led to encourage women (and myself) to read our Bibles more, and I longed to start free online Bible studies for women. That’s why I decided to start a free Facebook Bible study group just for women like you.

In my quest to find a fun and engaging way to read and study the Bible, I was fortunate enough to come across the inductive Bible study method. The more I read about the method, the more excited I got.

Inductive Bible study is a method that will encourage you to discover biblical truth on your own. By embracing a few simple techniques and committing to be a student of the Word, you will move from simply reading the Word of God to allowing the Bible to completely transform you life. 

You can join our free private Facebook Bible study group by clicking on the button below.

CLICK HERE To Join Our Free Facebook Bible Study Group

To give you more of an idea of how our group works, I’ll give you an inside peek.

How Christian Women's Corner Facebook Bible Studies Work

After you join the CWC Facebook group, you will have access to daily encouragement, accountability, and a community of women to help you study the bible. And don’t we all need that!

Our studies are all four weeks long and a new study starts every month.

We study the bible together Monday to Friday with the weekends off. Your study time could be from 10 minutes a day up to one hour or more depending on how much time you have and how deeply you want to study.

You can study the bible anytime you like. The resources provided to do so will be posted in the group around 7am every morning.

They are online Bible studies for women in which we type or post pictures of our answers and insights to the material in the comments section daily. The comments section is where all the interaction will take place. 

You read and study when you have time during the day or night and check-in with the group as you can throughout your day or night. We are committed to working around your busy schedule.

Resources We Will Be Using

Daily Bible Study Post And Check In

Each day, in our private Facebook group, I will post the verse of the day, and you will post what you got from your daily quiet time. There is also a reflection with discussion questions posted. If you are having a hard time finding something specific to share, the questions should help you have a jumping point and give you ideas for what to share in the comments section.

S.O.I.L. Inductive Bible Study Method

SOIL Bible Study Sheet Download

This is the method we use to study the bible. If you are not inclined to use the SOIL method, feel free to study any way you are comfortable. We only wish to know what you are learning as you share each day in our group.

I particularly like this study method because it gives me a chance to reread and write out the verses, ponder the observations, accurately interpret the meaning, and review my applications.

If you prefer to write out / journal your SOIL, you can print off a daily SOIL sheet for your own use.

Your SOIL could look something like this on our post thread:

S—Scripture - Write out a verse or verses that stood out to you. We provide a verse of the day for you. Why write out scripture? Scripture writing is all about slowing down and connecting with God’s Word by writing out Bible verses by hand. It’s such a simple but meaningful way to reflect deeply and let the words really sink into your heart and mind. 


  • Always start with prayer.
  • Context means clarity. To establish context, examine those verses immediately before and after the passage you are studying. Also consider the book of the Bible in which the passage appears. 
  • Look for obvious things like people, places and events, as well as repeated words or phrases.  
  • Answer the questions, who, what, when, where, why, and how.


  • Compare scripture with scripture. Looking up cross-references is an important practice that keeps you from interpreting a passage or verse in isolation. A good study Bible will help you do this. 
  • Compare multiple translations of the Bible, this often helps if the passage you are studying is unclear. 
  • Now is the time to check Bible commentary which is also located in a good study Bible.

L—Life Application - When you commit to studying with intent to obey, ask questions to help you apply what you are learning. The following questions may be helpful:

  • What does the passage teach? Does this passage reflect a particular problem for that day and culture only or is a timeless principle being taught?
  • Does this section of scripture expose any error in my beliefs or in my behavior? Are there any commandments that I have not obeyed? Are there any wrong attitudes or motives in my life that the scriptures brings to  life?
  • What is God's instruction to me as His child? Are there any new truths to be believed? Are there any new  commandments to be acted upon? Are there any new insights I am to pursue? Are there any promises I am to embrace?
  • Sometimes as you are observing, interpreting and applying a passage it will be clear God is moving you to deal with some unconfessed sin.
  • Other times, you may be moved to respond in faith, lived out through obedience.
  • Always end in prayer.

You can download our Introduction to Inductive Bible Study if you would like to learn more.

We typically share in paragraph form. Usually, the first 2 -3 sentences are observation, then 2-3 sentences are interpretation, and finally 2-3 sentences are life application. As mentioned earlier, you can take as little as 10 minutes or as long as an hour or more, depending on how deeply you want to study.

Basically, there is no right or wrong  way to do it. Just share what God has taught you each day!

If you miss a day, go back through the threads and catch up if you need to.

Weekly Posts

Women praying for each other

Every week we have a couple of posts. The first is a prayer and praise photo post. On Sunday, I will ask for prayer requests and praise items. Please add your prayer requests by commenting. Let us know any answers or updates. Feel free to post prayers for others as well. I will copy your prayer request down in my prayer journal and pray for you often. Please feel free to do the same!

The second weekly post is on Sunday evening and includes a link to the Christian Women's Corner blog. The blog post includes a devotional style study of  the weeks material along with reflection questions and a video. It’s an excellent preparation source for the daily readings and material we will be studying in the week ahead.

Other Downloadable/Printable Resources

We have a printable monthly reading plan that you can use to keep track of where you are and check off what you have studied so far. The monthly reading plan will be available in the community before the study starts.

More helpful printable resources will be added over time.

Please Join Our Free Online Bible Studies For Women!

Woman holding a coffee cup, reading a Bible

I’m excited and hope you will join our Facebook Bible study group to start studying the word of God daily and have the accountability to keep up this habit with us.

Free online bible studies for women have become very popular because they offer flexibility and accountability for your daily quiet time. You’ll feel connected with a group of women who share the same love of Jesus that you do and will be able to share as much or as little as you want with them.

If you are interested, here is where you can find out more about myself and the Christian Women's Corner ministry

Grace and peace,


Click the button below to join our Facebook Bible study group.

CLICK HERE To Join Our Free Facebook Bible Study Group

Facebook Group Alternative: CWC Club Community

CWC Club Community

**Please Note: Our Facebook group and all our resources are free, but there is an optional CWC Club Community that you can join far from social media. You'll experience an upgraded, smaller, private community with exclusive resources not available anywhere else, including weekly live Zoom Bible study meetings. You can find out more HERE.

Sharing Is Caring!

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