About Alicia And Christian Women's Corner

Hi! My name is Alicia Bowyer and welcome to Christian Women's Corner. As you can probably already tell, I love Jesus! I grew up in a Christian home and had one younger brother. We were a military family and spent time living in many different parts of Canada. Right now, I call Barrie, Ontario, Canada, my home, and have lived here for over 20 years.

I would write a typical Christian testimony here but decided to give you a picture of what my life currently looks like right now in a nutshell.

Let’s jump right in…

I’m a single mom with three kids. I went through a separation and divorce in 2013. While this is not how I wanted my life to turn out, it is how it ended up. Being a single mom is not easy, but I trust the Lord and what He’s going to do with my future.

My oldest daughter is married and has a son. (I’m a Memaw!) My middle daughter lives with father, and my teenage son lives with me at home. Our days can be messy and chaotic; other days can be quiet and peaceful. I appreciate both.

My son has complex needs. He has autism, intellectual developmental disorder, and mental health issues, and this situation makes life very difficult some days. I have lots of support from family, friends, professionals, and the local Church I attend. I’m not sure how things will turn out for my son at the moment, but I trust that the Lord does, and I know He has a plan for him.

Alicia at work

I used to work as a direct support professional in a local group home for people with developmental delays and mental health issues. This is a picture of me during Covid at the group home.

I have recently moved on. I still work for the same organization but am a scheduler, who works from home, I make sure there is enough staff on site at our various locations to care for the individuals who live there. I enjoy my job knowing that I am part of a team making sure that people with special needs are well taken care of.

So, yes. My life is a beautiful mess, as they say.

Alicia on her bike

I love working out, strength training, walks and bike rides, watching live music, and spending time with my family. Balance is important to me, so I also enjoy eating pizza and tacos and napping/sleeping in whenever possible.  Some of my personal goals in life are figuring out how to eat my body weight in pizza and still stay slim, growing closer to Jesus, and assisting my kids in any way I can.

Why I Created Christian Women’s Corner

The idea to create Christian Women’s Corner came to me one day when I was talking to a good friend. We discussed how difficult it was to keep up with daily prayer, Bible study and experience spiritual growth. Some may not struggle with these three things, but many do.

I wanted to take the knowledge that I've gained from over 45 years on my Christian walk and help others.

I had the leadership and mentoring skills to assist others, but what I lacked were accountability and an online technological platform.

Which leads me to…

How Christian Women’s Corner Can Help You (And Me)

CWC’s goal is to provide and facilitate encouragement, accountability, and community for Christian women. I hope that you will see our corner as a support and guide for you in your Christian walk as much as I do. I want you to feel comfortable inviting people you know to our community as well!

I realize that you’re busy, so I’ve created a flexible support system that allows you to access it any time of the day or night. It works around YOUR busy schedule. There are no specific times we have to meet or places you need to be to use these supports. Don’t worry if you’re not technologically advanced. I’ll provide step-by-step instructions all along the way.

CWC is created around two specific online technology tools to help you.

The first tool is the CWC website

The website includes many resources to guide you: blog posts, prayer, and Bible study materials. I recommend various products and services that help me in my Christian walk and also provide products that I’ve written and created just for you! The website is updated regularly, so make sure to bookmark it and come back often.

The second tools are the private CWC groups

We have a private Facebook group where the accountability and community magic happens. It’s the practical side of Christian Women’s Corner. It's a private place where we pray for each other, study the Bible and create online relationships with other women we share a common bond with. That common bond is Jesus! Click the link to join our Christian Women's Corner Online Bible Study Facebook group. 

The second group is our Facebook group alternative. It's called the CWC Club Community and is far from social media. It's an online community for Christian women doing life and learning together while following Jesus. You'll experience an upgraded, smaller, private community with exclusive resources not available anywhere else, including weekly live Zoom Bible study meetings. You can find out more HERE.

My Promises To You

In case you’re wondering, I’m very responsive to email, website, and social media comments. I’m also very active within the private Facebook groups. I will promptly reply to your questions, requests, or comments and, I’ll make sure you know I’m here, ready, and willing to help you.

I promise to:

• Pray and study the Bible right along with you. I believe my job is to set an example in my daily life. It’s hard to ask others to do something that I’m not doing myself.

• Pray for all of you (the CWC community members) regularly. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.  (James 5:16)

• Communicate regularly with our CWC communities of women. I know you want to hear from me, and I have no issues with initiating contact.

• Create trust within our communities by maintaining a healthy level of confidentiality.

• Be an encourager. Accountability is much more effective when someone is cheering you on.

• Practice humility and honesty. Transparency from me will encourage our communities to open up and share our victories and struggles on our walk with God.

• Most importantly, I will depend on God. Seek Him first and listen to His direction for our communities.

Why Our Communities Thrive

Christian Women’s Corner helps encourage women to pray and be in the Word of God daily. Another benefit is the encouragement that women can receive from other women in the body of Christ as we walk through life together.

God made us desire relationships, first with Him and then with others. The CWC communities can help develop both of those kinds of relationships.

Here are a few things we do to help our communities thrive:

Get To Know Each Other

Go deeper. We initiate conversations about hobbies, goals, families, passions, and personal testimonies. These things help us connect in the communities and will encourage each other. Creating intimacy starts with me but spreads out to include all of our communities.

Pray For Each Other

When you pray for others, your heart connects at a deeper level. We make sure to share prayer requests daily and encourage follow-up with other community members' requests.

Encourage Commitment

Accountability is critical, and I will lead by example.

Create A Positive, Welcoming Atmosphere

There is enough negativity in our world. I’ll do my part to make our communities a safe and encouraging place to be. I’ll be especially attentive to those who may not feel like they “fit in” because they usually need it the most.

Share Goals And Encourage Each Other In Our Spiritual Walk

I’ll always remember why I created these communities and why you joined.

Keep Christ The Center Of All We Do

We make goals and keep each other accountable. We stick to topics that unite and don’t divide.

Have Fun! Laughter Is The Best Medicine

We make sure to provide moments in our communities that are fun. We share funny stories, recipes, or birthdays. The activity doesn’t matter as much as the fellowship.

Stick To The Truth Of The Word Of God

I am on guard against personal agendas. Instead, we let God be the focus.

What We Believe (Our Statement Of Belief)


Image of the Bible

We believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, that it is, therefore without error, and is the revelation of God to man. The Bible is the complete source of God’s guidance to man. We believe that God has preserved His Word and that by His power, it has been kept from being lost, destroyed, or diluted with error (2 Timothy 3:16; Psalm 119:89; 1 Peter 1:23, 25).


Image of a cross

We believe in one God, Creator of all things, perfect in love and holiness, who exists as three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Peter 1:2).

As the second person of this trinity, Jesus took on human form and lived among mankind to free us from our sin and invite us into an eternal relationship with God. We believe that He rose again on the third day and now sits at the right hand of God as our Advocate (Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1, 14, 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:3-7; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 1:3; 1 John 2:1).

We believe that the Holy Spirit is God. His ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit also leads believers who daily surrender their life to Him by guiding, teaching, sanctifying, and filling them (John 15:26, 16:8, 3:3-6, 14:16- 17, 14:26.


Image of a dove

We believe that the only way to be restored to a right relationship with God is by placing faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins on the cross. It is a gift of grace by God, and no amount of good works can help us earn our salvation, but rather, they are a natural and necessary result of our new life in Christ. (Romans 3:23-26, 4:1-3). All who truly believe in Christ are born again and become the children of God (John 1:12-13; Ephesians 2:8-9).


Image of a person

We believe that man is created in the image of God, and in bearing that image, they are meant for a personal relationship with God and to exist in a loving community with one another. We believe that because of the stain of original sin, all of mankind is completely depraved and is entirely dependant on God to restore us to perfection. Apart from forgiveness through Jesus Christ, all are lost and alienated from God (Genesis 1:27, 3:1-6; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:1-3).


Image of a church

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the head, and consists of those who believe and confess Jesus as Lord and place complete saving faith in Him alone for their salvation. The Church is meant to glorify God, and its mission is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God to all. (Colossians 1:28; Ephesians 4:3-6).

Why We Have A Statement Of Belief

It is a privilege for Christian Women’s Corner to welcome women from all walks of life with varying backgrounds and experiences. The women who are a part of our Christian Women’s Corner communities come from all over the world, painting a picture of God’s love of diversity. Yet something each of us has in common is a sisterhood in Jesus Christ and a passion for knowing God more through prayer and His Word.

Some have walked with God for much of their lives, and others are learning- some for the very first time—the beautiful truths of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We can learn so much from each other!

With that excitement comes much responsibility as well. Our desire at Christian Women’s Corner is that every woman would base their knowledge of God on truth. While each woman's denomination and preferences may differ, our passion is to come together in unity under the sole authority of God’s Word. For this reason, we have a Statement of Belief.

If you ever have questions about where Christian Women’s Corner stands on a doctrine, please use this Statement of Belief as your guide.

 If there is a doctrine not mentioned, please remember to stick to the topics that unite us and not divide us.

*Special Note*

Christian Women’s Corner does not seek to come in place of the local Church, but it does provide a resource for women at local Churches to use. It is also for women who might not have a Christian women’s group available to them in their local Church body or who can’t attend because of their stage in life.

Thank You For Joining Me On This Journey

I’m happy you decided to join me here, and I feel incredibly grateful, humbled, and blessed that you allow me to speak into your life through Christian Women’s Corner. I pray for you daily and am happy to grow alongside you. Let’s begin this journey together.

Grace and peace,
