The Greatest Gift Is Jesus

With the holidays upon us and the chaos that often accompanies this time of year, it’s easy to get distracted from the real reason for the season—the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amid the busyness, let’s pause and remember this profound truth: the greatest gift is Jesus. His birth, life, death, and resurrection embody the ultimate gift of love and salvation. Keeping Christ at the center of Christmas is not just a choice; it’s an opportunity to shine His light in our homes and communities.

If you’re looking for ways to keep Jesus as the focus this holiday season, here are some ideas that can help you celebrate His presence and make this time truly meaningful.

A manger with a star above it and three crosses on a hill in the background

What Does It Mean That The Greatest Gift Is Jesus?

The greatest gift is Jesus because He fulfills the promise of Immanuel, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). He came to a broken world, took on human form, and walked among us. His purpose? To redeem us, forgive our sins, and restore our relationship with God.

Christmas isn’t just about nativity scenes and carols; it’s a celebration of God’s love in action. By keeping Jesus at the center of our traditions, we ensure that the season remains about Him and not just the decorations, shopping, or parties.

How To Focus On Jesus During Christmas

The holiday season can feel overwhelming with all the shopping, planning, and festivities. But when we intentionally pause and refocus on Jesus, we can experience peace and joy in their truest forms. Here are a few practical ways to bring the focus back to Him during Christmas.

Read The Christmas Story Together

The Christmas story is a beautiful reminder of God’s plan for salvation. Read it with your family this year. You’ll find the story in Matthew 1:18–25 and Luke 1:5–56 to 2:1–20. Gather everyone around and let this timeless story take center stage.

Encourage children to participate by reading parts of the story aloud or acting it out. This will help them understand that the greatest gift is Jesus, and His birth was a moment of hope for the world.

Incorporate Christmas Family Devotions

Daily devotions during the holiday season can draw your family closer to God. Choose a devotional that reflects the joy of Christ’s coming. Here are a couple of ideas:

Set aside time each day to read, reflect, and pray together as a family. It’s a wonderful way to bring everyone’s focus back to Christ amid the hustle and bustle.

Use An Advent Calendar To Celebrate Jesus

These are special calendars used to count down the days to Christmas. They’re a lot of fun, especially if you have little ones – they get a kick out of opening the doors on the calendar each day. Here’s one you can check out: The Wonder of the Greatest Gift: An Interactive Family Celebration of Advent.

Participate In Church Christmas Events

Many churches host Christmas programs that bring the story of Jesus to life through music, plays, or candlelight services. These events can refocus your family on the spiritual meaning of Christmas.

If your church offers volunteer opportunities or live performances, consider participating as a family. It’s a chance to serve while celebrating Christ.

Giving Back: Reflecting The Gift Of Jesus

One of the most powerful ways to honor Jesus during the holidays is by giving back. When we share with others, we reflect His selfless love and point people to Him. These simple ideas can help your family live out the spirit of generosity this Christmas.

Give Up A Gift To Bless Someone Else

Compassion Logo

Encourage your family to forego one or two gifts this year and use that money to bless someone in need. Organizations like Compassion offer opportunities to provide for children struggling around the world.

This practice reminds us that giving reflects God’s ultimate gift to us—Jesus. It also teaches children the joy of generosity and selflessness.

Make Homemade Gifts

Instead of buying gifts, why not make them this year? Homemade gifts are often more heartfelt and meaningful.

Pray for each recipient as you create their gift, asking God to use it to remind them of His love. This practice emphasizes that the greatest gift is Jesus, not the material things we exchange.

Volunteer Together As A Family

Take time to serve in your community. Whether at a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, or another local organization, volunteering can be a humbling and eye-opening experience.

When your family sees the needs around them, they’ll better understand why Jesus’ gift of salvation is so precious. It also gives them a chance to share His love with others.

A star shining on a stable with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus inside

Celebrate Kindness And Prayer

Jesus came to serve, and we’re called to follow His example. Small acts of kindness and heartfelt prayers can make a big difference during the holidays. These ideas will help your family spread His love while staying grounded in faith.

Commit To Random Acts Of Kindness

Spread the joy of Christ by committing to daily acts of kindness throughout December. These can be simple things like paying for someone’s coffee, leaving a kind note, or donating to a food pantry.

Make a kindness calendar and involve the whole family. Each act of kindness will remind your household and others that the greatest gift is Jesus and that His love compels us to serve.

Pray For Your Neighborhood

Bundle up and take a prayer walk through your neighborhood. As you admire the lights and decorations, pray for each home you pass.

Ask God to bless the families, bring peace to their lives, and reveal His love to those who don’t yet know Him. This simple act can transform your perspective and help your family focus on Jesus.

Keeping Christ In Christmas

It’s easy to get caught up in the commercial side of Christmas, but the good news is that we have the power to shift our focus. By starting new traditions centered on Christ, we teach our families that the greatest gift is Jesus and encourage them to carry that truth into the world.

Final Thoughts

Christmas is a time of joy, love, and reflection. It’s a season to celebrate the birth of our Savior and share His love with those around us. Let’s choose to honor Jesus in our traditions, actions, and conversations.

Remember, amidst all the holiday cheer, the greatest gift is Jesus—and He’s the reason for the season. Let’s keep Him at the heart of our celebrations and make this Christmas one that truly glorifies God.

Grace and peace,


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