How A Prayer Journal For Women Can Help You Grow Closer To God

When Delaney was a teenager, she longed to feel a deeper connection with God. She had grown up in church, but she still felt like she didn’t really know Him. Prayer, in particular, made her feel awkward and unsure. She wasn’t sure how to approach God in a way that felt personal.

One day, a mentor at her church noticed Delaney’s love for writing and suggested something different. “Why don’t you try writing letters to God?” her mentor asked. “Just pour out your thoughts on paper like you’re talking to a friend.” She encouraged her to do it every day for a month.

“I can do that?” Delaney responded, her eyes lighting up. “I don’t have to pray out loud or follow a certain script?

“God hears all of our prayers,” Her mentor assured her. “It’s why the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes, sometimes even without words on our behalf. Think about David. The whole book of Psalms is like his prayer journal.”

That simple suggestion changed everything for Delaney. Over the next month, she started writing to God regularly, sharing her worries, joys, and questions. And slowly but surely, she began to feel His presence in her life in a way she hadn’t before.

Starting a prayer journal can be a powerful way to nurture a deeper relationship with God. It helps you understand His heart, teaches you how to pour out your own heart to Him, and allows you to track your spiritual growth over time. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry! Below are a few simple tips to help you get going with a prayer journal for women.

A woman sitting on the floor writing in a journal

Setting The Foundation: Time And Place

Your journaling practice becomes even more meaningful when you establish a specific time and place to meet with God. Choosing a consistent time and place for your prayer journal routine helps you create a sense of discipline, making it easier to connect with God regularly.

Choosing A Time To Journal

One of the most important parts of starting a prayer journal is deciding when you will spend time writing to God. Many people enjoy journaling first thing in the morning, setting the tone for the day with prayer and reflection. But what works for one person might not work for another—and that’s okay!

Maybe mornings are challenging for you. Perhaps you have young children who need your attention, or your work schedule doesn’t allow for quiet time in the early hours. Don’t stress about it! The beautiful thing about prayer journaling is that you can do it anytime. Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, or evening, God delights in spending time with you whenever you’re available.

The key is consistency. Choose a time of day when you can regularly give God your full attention, even if it’s just for a few minutes. That intentional time spent with Him will deepen your relationship.

Picking A Location For Your Journaling

Along with choosing a time, it’s helpful to pick a consistent location for your journaling practice. It could be a quiet corner in your home, a cozy coffee shop, or even a peaceful spot at your local library.

For Delaney, journaling at the kitchen table became her favorite spot. The natural light and quiet mornings helped her focus, and it became a sacred space for her to connect with God. Just like David prayed in caves, on mountains, during battle, in the Temple, and in palaces, you can meet God anywhere. The important thing is that you show up, ready to spend time with Him.

Guided Journals: A Helpful Tool For Beginners

If you’re new to journaling, a guided prayer journal can give you the structure and prompts you need to get started. It offers questions and themes to help you reflect on your relationship with God, even when you’re unsure what to write.

The Benefits Of Using A Guided Prayer Journal For Women

When you’re new to prayer journaling, it can be hard to know where to start or what to write. That’s where a guided prayer journal can be a helpful tool. A guided journal typically includes prompts or questions designed to get you thinking and reflecting. These prompts can range from focusing on gratitude to helping you work through difficult emotions or spiritual struggles.

For example, a guided prayer journal for women might ask questions like, “What are you thankful for today?” or “What burdens do you need to surrender to God?” These prompts help you dive deeper into your thoughts and prayers, even on days when you feel unsure of what to write.

If you’re struggling to get started, a guided prayer journal might be the nudge you need to develop the habit of writing to God regularly.

Creating Your Own Journal

Of course, you don’t need a pre-made guide to start your journaling journey. Some women prefer to use a blank notebook where they can freely express their thoughts and prayers to God. This approach allows for more creativity and flexibility in how you communicate with Him. You can write letters, sketch out ideas, or even list out prayers if that feels more comfortable.

Whichever method you choose—guided or free-form—the most important thing is that you’re being intentional about spending time with God and sharing your heart with Him.

A woman writing in a journal while sitting on the grass

The Power Of Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to any relationship, including your relationship with God. Journaling regularly, even when you don’t feel particularly inspired, helps build intimacy with Him over time.

Cultivating A Relationship With God

Just like any relationship, intimacy with God takes time and effort. Imagine trying to maintain a close friendship with someone you only speak to once or twice a year. It’s nearly impossible! In the same way, if we want to grow closer to God, we need to spend time with Him consistently.

Your prayer journal can become a powerful tool for building that relationship. It doesn’t have to be an everyday practice at first, but the more often you sit down with your journal, the more natural it will feel. Even if you only write for a few minutes a few times a week, over time you’ll notice your prayers deepening and your understanding of God growing.

Don’t Focus Too Much On Emotions

There will be days when you feel like your journaling is on fire—like you’re really hearing from God and experiencing His presence. But there will also be days when it feels a little dull or even forced. That’s normal, and it’s important not to get discouraged.

God isn’t looking for perfect emotions or elaborate words. He’s simply looking for your heart. Some journal entries might feel more “spiritual” than others, but every time you spend in prayer is valuable. Remember, God is present whether or not you feel Him in the moment. The act of showing up consistently is what matters most.

Trusting God With Your Prayers

Your prayer journal is a safe space to bring your burdens to the Lord. It’s a place where you can be completely honest with your fears, joys, and struggles. As you bring your concerns before God, you’ll find comfort in trusting Him with the outcome.

Bringing Your Burdens To The Lord

One of the most beautiful things about a prayer journal is that it can become a place where you pour out your deepest thoughts, worries, and struggles to God. Just like David, who cried out to God in the Psalms, your journal can hold your rawest emotions.

When you write down your worries, you are actively placing them into God’s hands. You might not always see answers right away, but the act of surrendering your burdens through journaling can bring incredible peace.

Delaney found this to be true during a particularly tough season of life. When her family went through financial hardships, she poured out her fears and frustrations in her prayer journal. Over time, she began to see how God was at work, even in the hard moments, and her journal became a record of His faithfulness.

Embrace The Journey

Using a prayer journal for women can help you develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. Whether you’re just starting your faith journey or you’ve been walking with Him for years, journaling can be a powerful tool to grow closer to Him. As you write, don’t worry about being perfect or saying all the right things. Just show up, be honest, and let God speak to your heart.

Remember, your prayer journal doesn’t have to be filled with eloquent words or perfect grammar. It’s not about impressing God; it’s about growing in relationship with Him. He’s excited to meet you on every page!

Want to start a prayer journaling habit? We have a great suggestion for you.

Praying The Word Guided Prayer Journal

Our very own downloadable guided prayer journal entitled 'Praying The Word'. This guided prayer journal will teach you how to pray through Bible scripture and improve your prayer life. 

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