Practicing Hospitality

This is it! Our final week in the Christian Fellowship and Belonging Bible study.

Are you wondering what comes next?

After we finish our Christian Fellowship and Belonging study we will be digging into a brand new topic.

On Monday Mar. 3rd, I'll begin leading - Spiritual Renewal and Growth.

Women often feel spiritually stagnant and unsure of how to deepen their faith. This four-week Bible study teaches practical ways to grow in relationship with God and live out our faith.

The NEW Spiritual Renewal and Growth Journal
is available now exclusively on Amazon!

Spiritual Renewal and Growth Journal available on Amazon

If you’d like to purchase a digital copy
(so you have it right away) at 30% off the price
click HERE.

The digital journal looks exactly like our paperback journal for sale on Amazon. Its black and white interior is great to print out and put into a study binder or use digitally on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

More details and resources for this study are coming soon!

Now, let’s get back to this week’s study and finish strong!

A group of people eating together

The Power of Welcoming Others

Hospitality is more than hosting a dinner party or having a beautifully decorated home. At its heart, hospitality is about creating a space where others feel welcomed, loved, and cared for. In a world where loneliness and isolation are common, the simple act of opening your heart and home can have a profound impact.

For many women, the idea of practicing hospitality may feel overwhelming. Concerns about appearances, time constraints, or the fear of rejection can make it difficult to extend an invitation. Yet, hospitality is a biblical command and a powerful way to reflect God’s love. This week, we’ll explore how hospitality strengthens Christian fellowship and helps build deeper connections with others.

Join me for week 4's video as we discuss this weeks study and take a deeper look at Practicing Hospitality>> HERE.

Barriers to Hospitality

Despite the importance of hospitality, many women hesitate to practice it. One common barrier is the belief that everything must be perfect before inviting others in. From spotless homes to gourmet meals, unrealistic expectations often prevent women from taking the first step.

Another obstacle is the busyness of life. With schedules packed with work, family, and church commitments, hospitality can feel like one more thing to add to an already overwhelming list. For some, past experiences of rejection or fear of being vulnerable can make opening up their homes and hearts feel risky.

These barriers not only rob us of meaningful relationships but also keep us from fulfilling God’s call to hospitality. Practicing hospitality isn’t about perfection—it’s about creating a space for connection, encouragement, and shared faith.

Biblical Hospitality

1 Peter 4:9-10 provides a clear command to believers:

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:9-10 NIV

Hospitality is an act of service and stewardship. It’s not about impressing others but about sharing God’s grace through kindness, generosity, and care. The call to hospitality is paired with a reminder to do it joyfully, reflecting the love of Christ in our attitude.

Acts 2:42-47 offers a picture of the early Church living out hospitality:

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer... They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people." Acts 2:42-47 NIV

This passage highlights the relational aspect of hospitality. By sharing meals, prayer, and fellowship, the early Christians built a sense of unity and community that strengthened their faith and expanded their witness.

Embracing Hospitality as a Ministry

Hospitality begins with a shift in perspective. Instead of seeing it as a task to perfect, view it as a ministry—a way to serve and love others in Jesus’ name. It’s not about having the ideal home or a perfectly planned meal; it’s about creating an atmosphere where people feel valued and seen.

Start by praying for opportunities to practice hospitality. Ask God to show you who needs encouragement, whether it’s a friend, neighbor, or someone new to your church. Be willing to step out in faith, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

Another key to embracing hospitality is simplicity. You don’t need to host elaborate events to make an impact. A cup of coffee and a listening ear, a simple meal, or an invitation to join you for a walk can create meaningful connections. Focus on the heart of hospitality—showing love and care—rather than the logistics.

Practical Steps to Practice Hospitality

Start Small: If hosting feels overwhelming, begin with something simple. Invite a friend for coffee or a neighbor for dessert. Small acts of hospitality can build confidence and meaningful relationships.

Be Intentional: Look for opportunities to include others in your daily routines. Invite someone to join you for a meal, attend a church event, or share in an activity you enjoy.

Let Go of Perfection: Embrace the idea that hospitality doesn’t require a perfect home or meal. People care more about feeling welcomed than about the details of your space or menu.

Focus on Listening: Hospitality isn’t just about providing food or entertainment—it’s about making others feel heard and valued. Take time to listen to their stories, needs, and experiences.

Extend Hospitality Beyond Your Circle: Consider reaching out to someone new at church, a coworker who seems lonely, or a neighbor you haven’t connected with yet. Expanding your circle fosters inclusivity and reflects God’s love.

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Hospitality Reflects God’s Heart

Practicing hospitality is a tangible way to reflect the character of God. Just as He welcomes us into His family with open arms, we are called to extend that same love to others. Hospitality isn’t just about inviting people into our homes—it’s about inviting them into our lives and, ultimately, pointing them to Christ.

Through hospitality, we have the opportunity to build deeper relationships, encourage others in their faith, and create a sense of belonging that reflects the unity of the body of Christ. As you practice hospitality, remember that the smallest gestures can have the biggest impact. It’s not about what you do but about the love and intention behind it.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of hospitality and the opportunity to reflect Your love through welcoming others. Help me to let go of perfection and to focus on creating meaningful connections. Show me who needs encouragement and teach me to open my heart and home with joy and generosity. May my hospitality point others to You and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection Questions

  1. What fears or barriers hold you back from practicing hospitality?
  2. How does 1 Peter 4:9-10 challenge your perspective on hospitality?
  3. Who in your life could benefit from an act of hospitality this week?
  4. What small, practical steps can you take to make hospitality a part of your daily life?
  5. How can practicing hospitality help you build deeper relationships and reflect God’s love?

This Week's Bible Reading Plan:

Christian Fellowship and Belonging Week 4 Bible Reading Plan

Here is an explanation of our SOIL Bible study method

Christian Fellowship and Belonging SOIL Bible Study Method

You can download our Introduction to Inductive Bible Study if you would like to learn more.

Don’t Miss the Daily Check-Ins on Social Media!

Join us EVERY weekday morning ANYTIME after 7:00am EST on social media to discuss the day’s reading assignment.

Click your favorite social media platform below to join us throughout the week.

If you prefer a private Facebook group to participate in our Bible studies, you can join our group HERE.

Have a wonderful week – I’ll see you back here on the blog later this week as we take a sneak peek at our new study: Spiritual Renewal and Growth! 

Grace and peace,


Did you miss the last 3 week’s of videos in our 4-week video series? Here they are again:

Week 1: Created for Community

Week 2: The Power of Encouragement

Week 3: Unity in Christ

What's Next?

We will start back on Monday, March 1st with the Spiritual Renewal and Growth Bible Study.

Spiritual Renewal and Growth Journal available on Amazon

If you’d like to purchase a digital copy
(so you have it right away) at 30% off the price
click HERE.

If you'd like to download the FREE Spiritual Renewal and Growth Bible study reading plan along with study, reflection, and practical application questions and a few other bonuses, click HERE.

CWC Club Community

Don't forget about our CWC Club Community. It's a special group of women who connect and study God's word together. Experience an upgraded, private, smaller community with exclusive resources not available anywhere else, including weekly live Zoom Bible study meetings. You can find out more HERE.

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